TeamCity Tips and Tricks

Tips and tricks on how to use and configure TeamCity projects, build configurations and templates

Published on November 01, 2020 by Dai Tran

howto blog devsecops teamcity akamai hashicorp-vault

4 min READ


TeamCity is the the Hassle-Free CI/CD Tool by JetBrains. It can be used to build CI/CD pipelines that integrate with other DevOps/DevSecOps tools like GitHub, HashiCorp Vault etc. This blog post covers various useful tips and tricks that can maximize the TeamCity usage experience.

Saving Multiline Parameter Value to File

Assuming that a parameter named env.ROOT_CERT is used to store a root certificate in the following format:


and if the following command in the Custom script of the Command Line Runner type is used to write the value to a file

echo $ROOT_CERT > root_cert.crt

then the integrity of the certificate value is not maintained, i.e the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- are not shown in root_cert.crt.
The solution to this issue is to put $ROOT_CERT in the double quotes "" as follows:

echo "$ROOT_CERT" > root_cert.crt

TeamCity Parameter Setup Using Service Messages

TeamCity Service Messages allows for setting up parameters of a TeamCity build configuration (a.k.a CI/CD pipeline) from a build step that runs within a Docker container. This is needed if there is a requirement of retaining some results produced by that build step for later use in subsequent build steps as the whole runtime environment is destroyed together with the Docker container when the build step finishes.
Let’s talk about a real-world scenario and how to achieve the goal. In that scenario, the TeamCity pipeline is required to perform the followings:

  • Retrieving Akamai API client credentials from a HasiCorp Vault key path
  • Writing those credentials to a TeamCity environment parameter/variable called env.AKAMAI_EDGERC to be accessed by the subsequent build steps
    To retrieve the credentials from the Vault, the following Python snippet can be used in the Custom script of the Command Line Runner type:
cat > <<EOF
secret = ldap_client.read_secret('%vault.akamai.edgerc.path%')
print("##teamcity[setParameter name='env.AKAMAI_EDGERC' value='{}']".format(secret))


The Akamai API client credentials have multiple lines with some special characters from TeamCity’s point of view like the following:

client_secret = abc123=
host =
access_token = abc123
client_token = abc123

If the credentials are stored as they are in the Vault, the above print statement will generate this error message:

teamcity[setParameter name='env.AKAMAI_EDGERC' value='[default]
Error while parsing TeamCity service message: Value should end with "'". Valid service message has a form of "##teamcity[messageName name1='escaped_value' name2='escaped_value']" where escaped_value uses substitutions: '->|', [->|[, ]->|], |->||, newline->|n

To resolve this error, the special characters need to be escaped following the Escaped Values rules. As the result, the credentials need to be stored in the Vault in the following format:

|[default|]|n|rclient_secret = abc123=|n|rhost = |n|raccess_token = abc123|n|rclient_token = abc123

Misbehaving Proxy Server

The situation is summarized as follows:

  • Terraform code is executed in a Docker container in one of the TeamCity build step
  • The proxy password has some special characters and is stored in the environment parameter env.PROXY_PASSWORD
  • In that build step, the proxy environment variables are set up correctly as follows:
    export http_proxy=http://"$PROXY_USERNAME":"PROXY_PASSWORD"@$PROXY_URL
    export https_proxy=http://"$PROXY_USERNAME":"PROXY_PASSWORD"@$PROXY_URL
    export no_proxy="*.local,*.internal"
  • Terraform commands terraform init and terraform plan are in that build step
    When the Terraform commands terraform init and terraform plan are executed, the build fails and generates the following error:
    Error: fetching groups: request failed: Get "<Terraform API endpoint>": proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp: lookup http on <some IP address>: server misbehaving

The solution is mentioned in this article Set/Export: http_proxy With Special Characters In Password Under Unix / Linux. What need to be done are:

  • identify special characters and convert them to hexadecimal like @ => 0x40 using some online tools like this one
  • then replace 0x with %. For example, @ will be come %40